Frequently Asked Questions
What if my kid is a reluctant reader?
I get this question A LOT. What I’ve found over the past few years is that this format of book club is great for kids who don’t (yet) love reading or haven’t yet found a genre that they like. Kids learn that they can participate in the discussion even if they: listened to the audiobook, didn’t make it to the end of the book before the club meeting, or didn’t love the book. By chatting about the book in a casual setting, they learn that different people have different opinions about different books and they are exposed to a variety of genres that they likely haven’t explored before.
What if my kid is too young or too old for an age group that they’d enjoy?
The age recommendations are guidelines, not rules. I understand the challenge of finding books that are the appropriate reading level for your child AND the content that they are ready for. Click through the book lists for each club and you’ll find links to summaries and suggested reading levels for each book. If you feel that your kid is best suited for Dart, Arrow, or Boomerang, I trust your judgement.
Do the kids actually have a discussion about the book if there’s no adult facilitating?
Surprisingly, yes! The group is provided with a handout of open-ended discussion questions to keep the conversation going. Sometimes it takes a month or two, but soon they create their own rhythm and begin to learn how to reign-in side conversations.
If you’re looking for a formal lesson about the book, I highly recommend Brave Writer’s handbooks for each book. They include exercises related to grammar, literary devices, writing, cultural context, etc.
How much does membership cost?
It’s really important to me that kids have free access to the books. I understand that parenting is expensive, whether or not you’re homeschooling! I’m striving to offer membership on a pay-what-you-wish basis, ranging from $0 to $15 per month. I’m able to do this by buying books using bulk discounts and sales, and through the generosity of our members.
How long is the meeting?
For the past two years, a Boomerang group of 11-14 year olds have met for about 45 minutes to one hour each time. When they’re done chatting, they tend to hang out in the park for another 30 minutes. I expect the Dart group to chat for about 20 to 30 minutes, and the Arrow group to chat for about 30 to 45 minutes. Your kid will get the full experience and probably make new friends if you plan for them to hang out in the park for a bit afterward.
Is this group only for homeschoolers?
This group is for everyone who wants to come - it doesn’t matter if your kid goes to private school, public school, homeschools or unschools (or any combo of these!). We offer meetings on weekdays and weekends.
Can I drop my kid off at the park?
This is not a drop-off activity. I will be at the park but I do not consider myself responsible for your children. The kids hold their own discussion, without an adult facilitator, so I supervise from a distance. You should communicate with your child about where you will be during book club - whether that’s hanging out in the park or sitting in your car. In case of emergency, you should be able to respond to your child.
What if we miss a meeting? What if my kid tries the club and they don’t like it?
Don’t worry! If you need to miss a meeting - these things happen. No problem!
There’s no commitment required to join a meeting - it is safe to try this out and see how your kid feels. If they have a book at home that they aren’t going to read, feel free to drop it in a little free library in your neighborhood.